Sunday 4 December 2011

white eye trevalla

Following a sunny Sunday afternoon, a quite transparent blue sky of the early evening suggested it was a good time to enjoy the head of that first blue eye trevalla I got in the fish market.

It was ready to go to the pot, since all the washing and cleaning job was all done the day it arrived home.

I decided to add the blood orange flavour, which combined with lemon juice created an almot sour-sweet effect around the fish and the vegetables.

The colour note was coming from the vegetables cooked separately in a little pan. Tomatoes, garlic and leeks.

The chosen wine for this dinner was a 2008 Tasmanian chardonnay, as its label clearly states. Made by Dirk Meure and called in a more Frenchy fashion d'meure.

After a short boiling session my blue eye trevalla, now white eyed, was ready to conquer the table.

The cherry season is open, and again there was nothing better than the Kakawa chocolate cherries, macerated for a year, to sweeten this extremely light and delicious meal.

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