Saturday 10 December 2011


Another busy Friday was demanding a comforting lunch. Bronte felt like an ideal aperitif before initiating what was going to be a remarkable exercise in local cuisine exploration.

It was our third visit to Bar H in Surry Hills, and I should say the most exciting one, so far. The previous two were quite spaced in time, so the evolution I'd say has been significant, even if I believe we very much enjoyed each one of them. As we walked in from Campbell street, Rebecca and Hendrix, a very recent addition -only six weeks old- to the H family, welcomed us. 

We chose to be amused by "Hamish's Banquet", and it certainly was a route worth being walked through. Our departure happened with a couple of natural Clair de Lune oysters, apparently grown under carefully controlled conditions.

A beautiful plate of kingfish sashimi with pickled mushroom came next.

Steamed pork wontons and a chilli oil dressing with fennel opened the meat chapter of this unanticipated Friday lunch.

More good stuff was about to arrive: braised beef short rib on sesame leaves, ready to be rolled.

Our bird of the day, a half roast duck, landed a few minutes later with pancakes and hoisin sauce, also known as haixian sauce. The word hoisin is a romanization of the Chinese word for seafood as pronounced in Cantonese, but despite the literal meaning of seafood, hoisin sauce does not contain fish. Traditionally it is made using sweet potato. 

The last meaty bite was a quite delicate caramelised braised beef with fennel and mint.

A steamed whole fresh water perch with ginger and shallot was almost the last part of our inspiring H trip.

Strawberries, strawberry sorbet, goats cheese and sichuan pepper with eatable violet flowers came as our dessert, which perfectly closed this soon to be revisited H adventure.

A truly inspirational journey, which should make the H family a very proud one. Brilliant job!

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