Friday 17 June 2011

double single origin flat white stop

Another fast morning made breakfast happen after leaving home, my prefered place for that transcendental first bite of the day. Luckily we had a sunny sky, what made the abdication an easier one. And I must say that, being tea my first choice, this country has provided the best coffee moments I have ever had in my entire life. Today wasn't an exception, and I had to ask for a second flat white.

Our destination in Surry Hills was packed, but just a minute after we arrived a table was available for us. I hadn't been there in months, after my first Single Origin coffee with Gotaro, who proposed to meet over there. In this second exploration I decided to try their strawberry muffin, which ended up being a fantastic choice, even if the rhubarb one was extremely tempting.

I'm not sure I would call this a real breakfast, but it certainly was an enjoyable way to start functioning. The space itself, which is not tremendously generous, also helped activating a few senses still dormant at that early time of the day. Those intriguing faces on the wall were kind of entertaining.

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