Friday 22 July 2011

grey fridays medicine

A seriously grey and wet Friday morning in Syd City invited to stay in bed; a very appealing, but kind of unproductive, option. Breakfast was the first opportunity to fight that uninviting sky, and without much time to be creative I decided to rely on the available stocks: four complementary spreads, a baguette from Bourke St, Mariage Freres' "Tropical" blend, and the newest hit from holy Kakawa's temple of chocolate.

Cherry marmelade on butter, strawberry and balsamic vinegar spread from B&P (Burch & Purchese, Melbourne), hazelnut and chocolate spread also from B&P, plus genuine Canadian maple syrup conformed the first part of this wining formula.

Queensland provided the most colourful, and perhaps healthiest, element of this unforgettable morning ritual. This time I decided not to add the usual honey, which happens to be a brilliant counterpoint to such fresh strawberries. The final element of this igniting moment was supposed to provide the required balance, and it did: fresh ginger and cardamom ganache with São Tome chocolate, all assembled right on William St.

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