Thursday 27 October 2011

something like "fabada"

I think of beans (fabas) as a winter meal, and more if we are talking about "fabada", the celebrated dish from Asturias. It should always come with a nice  "morcilla" (blood sausage), a salty one; we keep the sweet ones for dessert, although that wasn't going to happen on this day.

Miguel had given me a bottle of his 2010 albariño in my last trip to Caldas de Reis, and this looked like a good opportunity to give it a try. So far all the Pedralongas we had were from 2009, therefore it was fantastic to check how the new vintage was as good as expected. 

As usual, the new bottles come with a new stone from his property, for the label, which happens to be picked up by his father. For 2010 it looks like he got  granite.

The salad made the meal feel a little more summerish. This year we got plenty of hazelnuts, which together with Cebreiro cheese, carrots, olives and tomatoes become more solid than a simple garden salad.

Chestnuts (castañas) had a very different destiny in 2011. The strange weather in Galicia drastically diminished the production, and made them arrive earlier. I found three on the ground which were kind of small, but since I was going to leave to the Southern hemisphere in a matter of days, I wasn't in a position to be very demanding. So, these chestnuts were the first ones I had since last year, fortunately full of their mesmerizingly unique flavour.

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