Friday 14 October 2011

a certainly unusual visitor

Another afternoon was shaped to provide our daily dose of domestic satisfaction  around some of the most obvious Iberian pork delicacies: jamon y chorizo. All of it under the the compact granite arches which always seem to be whispering: home sweet home.

Two different types of chorizo including Joselito's own one, "morcon", plus that first sweaty and addictive 5J "paletilla" took the centre stage of our table. Their conglomerated odours were as intense as inviting, and it turned we weren't the only ones aware of that digestive reality.

A beautiful young fox had decided to drop by, what made our lunch a pretty exceptional one. The peaceful wild mammal was fully motivated to be part of our "best time of the day", so I had to gently indicate the meal was planed only for two. It took him some minutes to figure out the word "no" meant we were not wishing to share.

This colourful plate radiating magical smells I think was responsible for the arrival of such an unexpected and unsuccessful guest. I was really tempted by giving away a piece of bread with that delicious fat which covers the paletilla, but Lyn thought it wasn't a wise idea. I'm sure the fox didn't agree.

Such a severe display of pork required a fresh salad that could eventually help balancing our joyful digestions. The other green component at this time of the year couldn't be other than the Padron peppers.

Two local cheeses, or as we call them "quesos del pais", and some spreadable "sobrasada" from Menorca filled up the far side of our table, which one more time was perfectly lubricated by one of those albarinos we like, Nora da Neve from 2007. An original from the rural location called As Neves, which we tried last year for the first time in the glamourous village of Cambre.

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