Friday 28 October 2011

for the sake of hake

The last lunch of my extended summer was supposed to capture the essence of traditional local simplicity, just the way I always knew it. Hake (merluza) and a sort of new albariño were it.

Compañía de Vinos Tricó was a quite interesting discovery this past summer. The name Tricó is the word used in the village where the winemaker was born to designate the youngest "unexpected" son, who usually would stay single living and taking care of his parents...

This ultimate hake, even if not "a la gallega", was the best possible choice to conclude another phenomenal summer season. Nothing else than potatoes,  "nabizas" (some close vegetables to turnip greens), garlic and extra virgin olive oil.

For dessert we kept enjoying an additional reinterpretation of the the seasonal fruits growing around us: figs, raspberries, hazelnuts, rosemary with the unavoidable merengue and custard: magnífico cierre de temporada!

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