Saturday 25 July 2015

sPain day

In a purely primitive fashion, Spanish corrupt officials celebrate this day surrounded by all the charm the Catholic church can provide. It's Santiago day, and the village of Santiago hosts generous liturgic action. It's true that in 2013, a day like yesterday the fabulous AVE train crashed in Angrois, Santiago de Compostela, and over 80 passengers died. But nobody in the Spanish government cares about it, because it won't get them votes in the forthcoming elections. And, all things said, they probably want to hide and forget this sad incident, in case some of them are held accountable, like it could probably happen in a civilized nation. Let's not forget sPain is more of a North African territory than a South European one, even if the locals prefer to think differently. So, this special day of disgusting celebrations, I'll pretend I'm somewhere else, enjoying a nice meal with plenty of wine to digest without any pain.

Thursday 23 July 2015

vespa day

After four days threatened by the vespa velutina becoming our univited guest, this morning we saw the end of this uncomfortable episode. Some of the wasps simply were fulminated, and the rest left, finally. I hope our bees can overcame such stressing days, and we can get our sweet honey sometime next month.

These Asian unfriendly insects have a really fast reproductive cycle, apparently no more than ten days. Their architectural abilities are remarkable, and I was quite impressed by the the walls they built in their nest.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

france day

July seems to be the month when every nation wants to celebrate some, frankly ridiculous, national pride thing. Today was the day for La Republique, so I'm guessing a good champagne was mandatory, as well a tasty piece of foie-gras.

Saturday 11 July 2015

bonito day

Our first bonito of the year was presented this afternoon. A perfect cooking process a la  plancha delivered a genuinely fine lunch. The magic of a crunchy exterior with a juicy interior full of flavour took place.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

iruña day

In old sPain today the locals are celebrating San Fermín day, with a particularly popular effort in Iruña (Pamplona), where they are proud to celebrate this 204 hour party, which decades ago reached larger visibility because of Hemingway. The first run of the bulls happens on this date.

Sunday 5 July 2015

greece day

Today we had our first Padrón peppers of the year. Only four of them were ready, but they were the real deal. Right on time to celebrate the Greek decision about their unattractive future.

Saturday 4 July 2015

us day

Today we had the first sardines of this brand new summer season. It's when they are fatty and full of delicious taste. Their juice alone is ideal to deep bread or potatoes in it.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

canadia day

I am intrigued about how Canadians picked the day to celebrate the big cold colony just three days before the 4th of July. It feels like someone was anticipating the potential of Canada becoming a new American state. If that ever happened they would only have to move their celebrations three days, which sounds like a really easy thing to do. Now that Tim King is in place, it'd be a logical direction to follow.