Friday 26 June 2015

liquid summer

Yesterday was the fourth day of this brand new summer. It has been sunny, so far, for the most part. It has been warm, but not necessarily hot. However, we know some heat will hit us anytime. This is the reason why our liquid choices will have an impact in the way we enjoy, or suffer, our summer in the Northern hemisphere.

Sunday 14 June 2015


Following our glorious trip to La Salgar where a bunch of friendly cows were welcoming us on the road, we had a rather interesting marine menu, the domestic way. A long time "caldeirada" favourite, the fish known as maragota on this Atlantic corner made it to our table, after years without having a single bite.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

afoga el pitu

Asturies filled most of this very Wednesday for me, with the only goal of celebrating 71 springs on planet Earth. More kilometres than desired, but very well rewarded ones. Grey skies and mountains, green fields and brown cows decorated our view.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

momofuking in TO

This second day of June, the day before I will be crossing the Atlantic one more time, we decided to revisit the Offtarian chapter of the New York trendy chain directed by Dave Chang.

As usual, all the dishes were very decent "crowd pleasers". 

Monday 1 June 2015


This month of June has just started with a full moon, but I have not heard or seen any wolf in TO.

Dinner was my responsibility, believe it or not: halibut, apparently from Tofino.