Tuesday 30 December 2014

frosty am(s)

I guess it's that time of the year when the winter wants to make some sort of statement. Flying away from freezing Offtarian lands a couple of weeks ago didn't prevent waking up with temperatures below zero.

This is obviously far more manageable than winter survival in Canadia, but it still makes the first few hours of the day a bit challenging. Our lemon trees are the ones suffering the worst consequences of it.

Sunday 28 December 2014


In the Spanish Kingdom at this time of the year it's not unusual to eat a lot of sweet creations. Turrones y polvorones may be the most common ones, together with mazapanes, glorias o yemas

There is a shop in Madrid -not far from the Congress where the corrupt Spanish politicians enjoy their lives of privilege and excess-, where they make very nice ones, which happen to be rather expensive.

Last week, in my way back from Munich, I had to stop in Madrid for a few hours, so I decided to enjoy that sunny Tuesday and visit Carrera de San Jerónimo. I got turrón de yema tostada, turrón blando de Jijona, turrón de avellana and some polvorones. All of them leave a sensation of dryness that requires a good drink, and nothing better than a glass of cava for that particular purpose.

Saturday 27 December 2014

crassostrea gigas

There are few things better than a good oyster to start a meal with a gigantic freshness sensation, assuming they are in good shape. Apparently these ones, commonly known around here as curly oysters, taste better now than five months ago.

I was curious to try them with a white wine from the Rosal area, and this M-100 was the chosen one. Three varietals became the usual suspects in the Southern part of this Iberian corner, not too far from Portugal: Albariño, Loureiro plus Caíño blanco.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

atlantic lemons

It may sound strange, but on this Atlantic cost it's not very hard to find lemon or orange trees. We also have clementines and grapefruits.

I picked these three ones last weekend, which are not too many, but considering the winter started yesterday it's rather sensational.

Monday 22 December 2014


Portugal is such a friendly place to visit that it often feels like home. Last Friday I had the chance to cross the old bridge over the Minho river, and there I was, enjoying our sister language.

Right across the Tui border Valença do Minho is the first town to be found. Breakfast used to be the reason to drive there in the morning many years ago: natas and bolos de arroz.