Saturday 31 May 2014

more frequent flying

There's nothing worst than not owning your own jet when having to fly thousands of miles regularly. It's even more painful when traveling to unknown places only operated by third league airlines like Vueling or EasyJet, which should urgently be renamed Bullying or DifficultJet.

Monday 26 May 2014


Seven decades on planet Earth sounds like a rather excessive trip, considering the high level of chaos covering most of this warming globe.

Monday 5 May 2014

back from nyc

Another quick visit to the big apple gave us time to pick a few dry goods unavailable in Offtario. Our classic pilgrimage to what I like to call Little Oz, in the heart of SoHo, provided additional Mud Australia colours and shapes to the little collection we try to enjoy on a daily basis.

Given the poor selection of wines offered by the shameless Ontarian monopoly, I couldn't avoid flying back with a few bottles that will help our forthcoming culinary experiences. 

Sunday 4 May 2014

cool brook

It was good to be back in the American capital of cool: Brooklyn. To be precise, it was in Williamsburg that we spent most of our day. 

Wythe Avenue turned out to be the right spot: good cocktails, nice food, great chocolate and spectacular views of Manhattan.

A casual lunch at this old diner, surprisingly called Diner, was simple and tasty. Even the sparkling water from Arkansas, was pretty good. According to the manufacturer it is America's Premium Water Since 1871...

Saturday 3 May 2014


Following a small debate we finally made it to E 9th St for lunch at the tiny, but neat, Tacos Morelos outlet. A sense of discovery took us there, and I don't regret it.